Sunday, October 5, 2008

VP debate

The major thing I was focusing on during the debate was the financial situation that the US is stuck in right now. Sara Palin started off by claiming the problem was the greed of the mortgage companies and wall street, I disagree. I do think it is partially wall street's fault I do not think it is fair to let the American people off the hook. We as people must learn to live within our own limits. Palin did say this during the debate but her main point was to blame the rich companies. The one thing that caught my attention about Palin was the way she kept trying to relate herself to the "normal" people by calling herself a hockey mom. this makes me very upset. Maybe I'm crazy but last time i checked "normal" people do not run for VP of the United States of America. She is not normal, she is not middle class, and she is not just like all the other people that live in this country.

When Biden was asked to respond he did not do a good job. I believe that he even answered the question. He trailed off into how He and Barack will cut taxes and how McCain voted numerous times to raise taxes.

Over all I did not strongly connect with either party on the financial issue. The debate was very interesting though. I got to see more of the candidates then before and have a better idea of who I favor. I got a feeling from Palin that just made me mad. She relates her self to people she is not like which makes me mad. Biden did a good job all night. I believe he won the debate. He spoke very strongly. The only bad thing I got was that maybe he spoke to strongly, stronger then Obama had and Biden had almost showed more power then Obama, making me to view Biden as President rather then Vice President.

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