Thursday, September 18, 2008

2007 Mitsubishi Galant Ralliart

This blog is an overview of the 2007 Mitsubishi Galant Ralliart. This is the car I drive and i found it very interesting. The blog goes over many parts and features of the vehicle. It begins with the basics, speaking about the engine and the transmission and so on. The blog then goes into details such as the mew air bag safety system and the new back bumper design. It also talks about the other models of the galant such as the ES and the DE, which come with less options and less power. I found all this information interesting but I must admit I knew much of it before reading this blog.

Eddie George Preview

This is a blog written by Eddie George who is a former running back for the Tennessee Titans. He also happens to be my all time favorite football player. His blog is his ideas about the team this year. He makes his predictions of how the team will do and writes why he feels that way. He often mentions Vince Young and how his performance is very important this year. It seems to me that Eddie believes the team will be in Young's hands. If Young plays well then the team will do well, if he does poorly then the team will not be very good. This is very interesting because Vince Young was injured in last weeks game, so now we will have to wait and see how the team will do without him.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dumbest Generation

I feel this whole argument is pointless. I believe knowledge cant be measured by the things you do and accomplish. Who is to say the billionaire business man is smarter then the homeless man on the street. Just because i don't know all about history and i read less then my parents did does not make me a dumber person.

I think the only reason Mark Bauerlein and the people that agree with him feel the way they do is fear. I think they are afraid of the changes taking place in the world. I don't think they are ready for the world to change into a technology driven society but they have realized they are to late so they come up with poor arguments to prove why technology is a bad thing. But is it fair for them to call me dumb because we are informed in different subjects? Mr. Bauerleein calls me dumb because i don't read classic books, but it is fair for me to call him dumb because he doesn't know how to blog or create a powerpoint presentation? Of course not, thats not fair, so before Mr. Bauyrelein refers to myself and my entire generation as dumb id like him to meet me and then make his decision.

PS i think it is hilarious that we argue and make valid points against this man on a blog, one thing in which makes us a dumb generation. We have all obviously learned from this technological experience and proved him wrong simply by created this whole project. lol (laugh out loud sorry Mr. Bauerleein)